Suggest Edits Are Needed

Let our team know about a location in history that needs some editing.

The date at which the edits would need to be made.
Input is not a number! The latitude near where the edits would need to be made.
Input is not a number! The longitude near where the edits would need to be made.

Optional, if you want to be contacted to follow up.

Your email address, if you'd like someone to contact you about your suggestion to follow up. Proposed email address has a format error.

Optional link, to help the team start its research.

An link to an authoritative data source to support the suggested edit. Even a Wikipedia link would help.
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When you let us know about a location in history that needs an edit, we figure out how to go work it. Sometimes it gets assigned to an existing project (or a new one). Sometimes someone can just go fix it, especially if you provide an authoritative link.
Your assistance is needed to help fill in the story of human history with historical research. You can get started, make a difference quickly, and join others who are working on similar things. Go beyond just identifying gaps and help us fill them.